You see all these amazing influencers posting these beautiful images on their socials, as if they all have a photographer on the payroll 24/7.That or they must have amazing equipment that costs thousands of euros, right? What if I tell you that that’s totally not true? You don’t need bags of money or a photographer following you around to take epic self-portrait (although a photographer definitely helps). Here are 6 tips to help you take those amazing self portraits!

1. Use an interval timer

Since you’re here, I assume you know the eternal struggle of pushing the camera button, then running as fast as you can to that spot you had in mind, trying not to trip over your own feet, only to find that your photos aren’t as good as you hoped because your face is all red after repeating that same process about a dozen times. Well, I’ve got you! Ever heard of an interval timer? Basically an interval timer helps you take series of pictures at a set interval so you don’t have to run back and forth the entire time. You can usually choose the number of pictures and how many seconds you want in between each photo. Depending on the time you set, you can change pose easily. I usually set my interval at 5 photos every 5 seconds. So between every 5 shots, I have 5 seconds to change position. If you have a DSLR or a mirrorless camera, you can do this in camera. If you use your phone, there are multiple apps that can help you do this. For Android, you can use the free app “camera timer”, for Apple you can use Lens Buddy or Photo Timer+, which is also free.

2. Try different angles and distances.

When taking self portraits, a lot of people always put the camera so far away, our entire body is in the shot. But that doesn’t always give you the best picture possible. One of the best ways to change things up and get creative is to experiment with close-ups, waist-up-shots and other angles. Try putting your camera up high, maybe on a large wardrobe, or the opposite, down low, to get those out-of-the box images that really give people the feel you had a professional photographer take the shots. 

3. Move! 

Remember those high school head shots where you had to sit completely still and just smile? Funnily enough, that’s how people still take pictures today. We try to be as still as possible to make sure our picture is not out of focus, but actually, your pictures will feel much more natural, authentic and fun if you move around a little. I’m not saying you have to do jumping-jacks, but small movements will definitely enhance your photos. Play with you hair or your clothes, sway left to right or do a slow motion spin. You want to see more ways you can move to get amazing pictures? Definitely check out the reels on my Instagram account where I show you exactly how I move around to get the best portraits possible!

4. Don’t look at the camera

Ever had the feeling that your self portraits always feel the same? That they never have that fun vibe you see with others? Well, that might be because you always look directly into or at the camera. By not doing exactly that, you change things up and you’ll immediately feel you have much more variety in your photos. 

5. Smile?

A lot of people have trouble smiling in photos. Remember those school pictures I was just talking about? Yeah, a nightmare for some. It’s not easy to smile on command, but with these tips you’ll come a long way. First of all, showing teeth in your smile makes your smile feel more sincere and reel. And before you tell me you don’t like your teeth, just try it and show the photo to some people, maybe a side-by-side comparison with a regular picture, and I guarantee you, most people will tell you you look the best in the picture with a teeth-smile. Now hold your horses, because I know that is also not easy to do. What helps me get the perfect smile in photos, is actually laughing out loud. Wait what now? Yes, actually laughing out loud. A fake laugh, a chuckle or even a gigantic evil laugh: they all have the same effect. If you laugh for real, it shows on camera. No more cramped up faces. If you are someone that struggles to smile in a photo, just try this and I promise you, it works.

6. Use props

This may seem like an obvious one, but not everybody does this. Most people feel awkward while taking self portraits, especially in the beginning. Having something to do with your hands helps that awkward feeling. And not only that, using props helps enhance your photos, tell a story. A pretty picture is exactly that: just pretty. You can only engage people when you tell a story with your photos. Props come in all shapes and sizes. You can use a camera or a book, but also the flowers in your garden or in the street, without picking them. Want to have some inspiration on how to use props in your pictures! Another blog solely about that is coming up real soon!

So, there you have it! 6 tips to help you create the most beautiful self portraits. If you want to read more about this or see more tips, head over to my Instagram page and give me a follow or subscribe to my email list so you’ll be updated as soon as there is a new blog with more tips online! And if you found this useful, tell me in the comments which tip you’ll use first. 


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